

Publikationer og konferencepræsentationer:
Journey to ABADYL (download PDF)
, Lund, J., Nilsen, K., Kajo, M., Uldall-Jessen, G., Soneson, T., Johansson, M., Callesen, J. (2009) Bookletmateriale fra forprojektet WIREFRAME CubeX 2008-09., Books on Demand, København 2009. DK

How and why do artist research? (Download PDF), Nilsen, K. (2007) Paper & præsentation, The NSU Winter Seminar: “Practice-Based Research in Performing Arts”, København, February 2007. DK

Design for Breakdown – tools and methods for responsive stage design (Download PDF), Lund J., Callesen J., Nilsen K. (2005) Paper & præsentation, Scenografi konferencen: “The Stage and the Visual Arts: Past, Present and Future”, University of Amsterdam, Holland, maj 2005. NL

From Lab To Stage: Practice-based research in Performance Animation (download PDF), Callesen J., Nilsen K. (2004) ‘Digital Creativity’ Vol. 15 no. 1 (pp. 32 -38)’ edited by Maureen Thomas, Swets & Zeitlinger publishers, Lisse, NL

The Performance Animation Toolbox: developing tools and methods through artistic research (download PDF), Callesen J., Kajo M., Nilsen K. (2003) ‘New visions in performance: the impact of digital technologies’ edited by Gavin Carver and Colin Beardon. Swets & Zeitlinger publishers, Lisse, NL